Sunday, September 4, 2011

Wk1: WimbaArchive Post

It was necessary for me to view the archive post this week.  Being conditioned to expect a request from Prof. Bustillos regarding our attire, I was relieved that his awesome t-shirt was a personal choice and not a required Wimba uniform…
The viewing left me with a few questions and I would appreciate anyone replying if they know the answer.  First, as for the discussion boards, did I get it right that our post can be ONLY a response to someone else's post or are we required to post our own and answer AND possibly respond to others?  As for the Lit.Review for posting, I have a couple of questions; Can the format or look change to match the website (i.e. - font and formatting changes).  Is it OK to go ahead and make the page live if we have received our "Final Approved" LR back from Roxanne DeLeon?  Lastly, on the page reference for the final Publishing Project, I noticed a podcast reference.  If we create a video that highlights our research project with supplemental information like student interviews, etc., can we use this as both an asset on our AR (mine is AR) site AND post the Podcast for download to a wider audience?  Will making the podcast accessible via iTunes or other distributor fulfill the publishing objective?

I am looking forward to this course and hope to see everyone in Wimba on Tuesday. 

1 comment:

  1. Discussion boards: you must answer the topic, but you can do that in response to a classmates post. Most do both (answer and then find a classmate to respond to).

    Lit Review: I'd be cautious about changing the font too much (from times roman to script, for example wouldn't work). Post it as soon as you get the go ahead.

    final Publishing Project: There's some terminology confusion here. The Publishing/Presentation project will be post on your course blog and will not be in your AR/CBR website. You can create any media that you might use in a presentation (assuming that you wouldn't create media for a print publication). Be aware that conference (and especially journals) do not accept work that has been previously "published" (which is part of the reason we removed the project from the AR/CBR website). So I would recommend again creating something to put out there, except in the case AFTER you've presented at your conference, then you can make the material available. So you'll want to focus on what you will need in the room when you do the future presentation. You are expected to have a mostly complete first draft at the end of week 4, with a working draft for during the week to share with classmates during our week 4 wimba session.

    Also, none of this, the Publishing/Presentation Project is directly related to your final presentation which you will create in month 12.
