Thursday, September 30, 2010

BP1a Google Reader

Greetings ETCers…Sorry about the timing on this post, but I just flew in from DC (proof to your left - that is todays rain) and boy are my arms tired…badump bump.

Actually the pics to the left are not just an excuse for getting my assignment up at the last minute, but rather evidence of an awesome trip to Washington D.C., where I was fortunate enough to have escorted a group of students that I mentor (the Executive Committee off Kell Robotics, FIRST Team 1311) to
give presentation at the Congressional Robotics Caucus in the Capitol Building this morning along with representatives from NASA, Carnegie-Mellon, AstroRobotics and others.  It was an amazing trip and we are really proud of these kids (although a times like these, it's hard to remember that these are just high school juniors and seniors - kids!)

Below, please find the feeds that I can use everyday…

Studio Family - Incredible technology oriented industry information from a trusted, professional source. - check out all three main sources.

The Design Inspiration - Great for referring my students to or using in class as a way to get brains working on a problem.  Much better that google images (especially when it comes to appropriate imagery).

Six Revisions - Another good design site but this one is great for the BUSINESS of designing and bringing in new clients.  Very practical advice.

PBS Newshour Podcasts - Real news.  Period. feed://

FIRST - This feed is a necessity to keep up with one of the extra curricular teams that I mentor.

More later.  Have a great week...

Coming Soon…by Midnight!!!

Sorry, I just got in from taking students to DC…I'll have BP1 up by Midnight!  Follow me anyway!  PLEASE!